About the COST Action CA18122 EURO-CHOLANGIO-NET

Cholangiocarcinomas (CCA) constitutes a major challenge for researchers, clinicians, national health systems and society. Still, coordinated multidisciplinary pan-European studies are lacking. As such, the EURO-CHOLANGIO-NET (European Cholangiocarcinoma Network) aims to set up a pan-European-wide interdisciplinary co-operative network of stakeholders, including scientists, clinicians, regulatory authorities, small/medium enterprises (SMEs) and industry partners, to address the CCA problem. Through the creation of shared data registries that inherent main relevant basic or clinic-epidemiologic aspects, conference calls, meetings, workshops, Short-Term Scientific Missions as well as training schools, this Action will coordinate efforts aiming at advancing the understanding of CCA to translate basic research and preclinical findings into clinical practice. For this purpose, this Action is organized into 7 Working Groups (WGs) dealing with interrelated aspects of CCA: Preclinical, In-Depth Histomorphological Phenotyping, Molecular Profiling, Epidemiology, Clinical Characterization and Trials, Early Diagnostic Biomarkers, Development of Novel Therapeutic Targets and Tools, Legislation and Ethics. These WGs are working to construct efficient connections, exchanges and promote capacity-building objectives (i.e. data registries, young researchers’ mobility, meetings, seminars, consensus guidelines and more).

Read more:  https://eurocholangionet.eu/about-us/